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3M DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes

3M DI-NOC architectural finishes let you transform any space in days instead of weeks with beautiful and practical finishes for your walls and other architectural surfaces

Commercial, institutional and residential settings can all realize the enduring benefits and cost savings associated with 3M DI-NOC Architectural Finishes. DI-NOC offers the benefits of minimal downtime, simplicity, and speed of implementation compared to traditional refurbishment techniques, as well as an ability to adhere to a wide variety of surfaces.

DI-NOC is very adaptable to contours and reveals in addition to going up quickly and easily with little or no downtime. Designers and architects enjoy ultimate versatility and a limitless palette with over 500 available DI-NOC finishes for dramatically changing the look of old, worn, or damaged finishes to create warmth and depth.

These quality architectural finishes are available in a stunning array of patterns and textures, offering choices from warm wood-grains, sleek metals, marble, and stucco to leather, stone, and many more. Formable, flexible and lightweight, this versatile covering easily revitalizes the appearance of old, worn, or damaged interior and exterior finishes.

What makes 3M DI-NOC Architectural Finishes a superior choice?

Aesthetics DI-NOC Architectural Finishes resemble natural materials and other types of surfaces to an astonishing degree. They deliver the look you want, at the cost savings you need.

Easy Application 3M Comply Adhesive Technology is repositionable and virtually eliminates bubbles, simplifying and expediting application, yet it bonds powerfully to virtually any substrate.

Environmentally Friendly DI-NOC Architectural Finishes are not produced from trees or metal-bearing ores. A green building product, they go up fast, with less likelihood of error and waste, and they bring life to existing assets. When their lifecycle ends, DI-NOC products are easier on the earth.

Why you should insist on 3M DI-NOC Architectural Finishes?

For Renovations

Lightweight and self-adhering, Di-Noc architectural finishes can be applied at your location to the existing substrate, reducing labor and material costs when compared to natural materials. With DI-NOC products, you create a whole new look, quickly and inexpensively without compromising on aesthetics, thanks to its uncanny resemblance to natural materials.

For New Construction

Perhaps you prefer the authenticity of real wood, metal, or stone. That’s only natural. Use them for select areas, and specify DI-NOC Architectural Finishes everywhere else. You’ll get cost savings, speed of application, durability – and still maintain the aesthetic look you desire everywhere else, from ceilings to columns to walls.

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